1st May 2015
Happy May Day!
The first day of May is a celebration of the coming of summer, which officially starts at the beginning of June.
With the blossom on the trees and the warmer days people celebrated the end of the long winter, with customs that express joy and hope for the coming summer.
The custom was started by the Roman festival of Flora, the goddess of fruit and flowers which was held from April 28th to May 3rd
The Maypole is a traditional dance around a village pole which starts usually, with the children each holding a coloured ribbon, after much rehearsal the dance would be complete with the maypole decorated in a pattern of coloured ribbons.
The May pole’s at Otley
One of the most traditional of images of May day is Morris dancers, these ladies from Otley looked so lovely dancing.
These Morris Dancers were having a wonderful time dancing in the centre of Leeds
Years ago May day began early and people would gather flowers and leaves to decorate their homes with the hope the vegetation spirits would bring them good fortune.
We shall bring ours home in a William Morris bag!
Posted in News by Laura