26th May 2014
I thought you may like to see our 100% cotton being quilted. We send our fabric to Lancashire for traditional high-quality quilting. Our quilters are based in a lovely historic brick-built building with the most beautiful wide wooden floor boards. The sound of the machines quilting has a pulsing beat all of its own!
The machine in the picture is highly specialised and was manufactured in Switzerland. The principle of how a quilting machine sews has not changed since its invention, (there being a needle and a shuttle). Our quilters are long-established market leaders. They are highly specialised and have an international clientele.
The diamond quilting design uses 62 needles but some designs our quilters produce require 124 needles which take over a day to set up from scratch – . just imagine threading all those needles!
To hear the musical beat of the machine and the hypnotic rhythm of the needles is wonderful and watching the whole process is fascinating. The fabric in the photograph is William Morris’ Compton.
Posted in William Morris by Laura