1st July 2015
The Library at Cragside is a lovely room, completed in 1872, it was part Normal Shaw’s first additions to the original house.
It is the first room in the world to be lit with Joseph A Swan’s filament light bulbs.
The stained glass windows in the bay were made by Morris & Co. The outer four pictures of the authors Homer & Aeschylus, Vergil & Horace, Dante and Chaucer were all designed by Edward Burne- Jones. Spenser and Milton were designed by Madox Brown. The six middle panels of Goerge and the dragon were designed by Rossetti, sadly my photograph does not do them justice.
Lord Armstrong bought some beautiful Pre – Raphaelite paintings but sadly in 1910 they were mainly sold, this lovely Italian Girl with Doves (1866) by Raphael Sorbi still hangs in the Library.
Posted in William Morris by Laura