19th September 2016
As I sit here eating a cupcake (or two,) I’m excited for this week being national cupcake week! I’m a huge fan of the humble cupcake, the first mention of which can actually be traced back to 1796, where most agree it was Amelia Simmons who first wrote in “American Cookery” the recipe was “a cake to be baked in small cups.” Thanks Amelia.
Today’s cupcakes are everywhere and are increasingly fashionable, and whilst cake is also fabulous and we don’t discriminate as to what baked goods we eat, cupcakes are so much easier to bake and it’s so much fun to decorate them in different patterns! We made these ones to celebrate the week; they might not be up to cupcake awards standards, but boy do they taste good!
Our cupcakes (with butterflies on since we’re hanging onto summer) are on our Willow Bough Blue tablecloth. It’s one of our more recent licensed William Morris design, and though we don’t like to pick favourites, is definitely up there at the top; the timeless piece was first designed for wallpaper by Morris in 1887; it’s crazy to think all these years later it’s still such a popular and widely coveted design!
Since we love cupcakes and the concept behind cupcake week with supporting small businesses, we’re giving everyone 15% discount this entire week until midnight on Sunday, just use code CUPCAKES at checkout.
Has this week inspired you to bake?
Posted in News by Laura