4th January 2020
The 12 days of Christmas end tomorrow on the 5th January and afterwards, if not before, the decorations are down, there’s no longer chocolate and party food all over the shops and we are all at a bit of a loss of what to do. We take December as such an opportunity to eat, drink and be merry – which is why when January hits, so many are quick to jump to call them the January blues.
However! We think January is a kind of amazing month. A month to get the year on track with some goals and visions and a month to hibernate with a reason (it’s quite cold out, we may as well stay indoors with a movie night!) The goals, however big or small, give a little reset to anything you’ve wanted to alter last year or even the year before that you’ve been putting off. Lots of ours involve our guilty secrets of starting craft projects and getting really into that craft before moving to the next. Purely from excitement, no craft is ever fully conquered before the next challenge is set! This year, we’re organising our crafting equipment and make it all easier to work out what’s happening and which thread leads where!
When the Christmas tree and garlands come down, it’s easy to think everything looks bare without that dusting of glitter over it. So, there’s often a need for a little refresh in the home too. We don’t think this needs to be extravagant. You don’t need to paint every wall and rebuy all new furniture – not effective for both the environment nor your purse. So how can you make small changes easily?
Not only to create beautiful things, but also to bring some happiness in the crafting this January, what could your next project be?
You can see this stunning project from @ivylodgeni on Instagram and how she crafted this ottoman – what a wonderful idea! Large enough to double as a coffee table, her whole home in interior goals, but this has really captured our attention. The great thing about this too is that you could always recover as time goes on and you want a change up – the design above is our William Morris Red Brother Rabbit. This is a photo of the ‘before’ of the project:
We’re no stranger to colour – doesn’t it just brighten your mood? A pop of colour in the home can really be brought into play by a fun, bright pattern. A new cushion on the sofa, fresh lampshade, quilted blanket and so on, all easy to create (especially the cushions as we sell these pre made!) and are stunning in the home.
Whether you have a current piece to use or you want to up cycle a charity shop piece, up cycling is so much fun. We find if we have a piece for a lot of time, sometimes it looks worn or we get tired of it ourselves. Instead of donating a perfectly good piece of furniture we like, we love to up cycle them to give them new life. Whether you want to donate a piece and purchase a charity shop or antique piece, it’s fun to put your own stamp on it via a print you really enjoy.
These photos below show how different two chairs can look once they’ve been given a little TLC and new covering. In this case, it was using our Pimpernel Cream fabric.
We hope this helps! Let us know what your top tips are to get out of the January slump!
Posted in News by Laura